1888: Untrodden paths in Roumania


Mary Adelaide Walker, Untrodden paths in Roumania, London, 1888; illustrations by the Authors.










1882: Roumania / Past and Present

1882, James Samuelson: At the cabaret on holiday


James Samuelson, Roumania / Past and Present, London, 1882.


1882, James Samuelson: Bucarest by Franz Duschek

1882, James Samuelson: Entrance to Carpatrian village

1882, James Samuelson: Fruit-seller of Bucarest

1882, James Samuelson: Gipsy flower-seller

1882, James Samuelson: Gipsy musicians

1882, James Samuelson: H. M. Pauline Elizabeth

1882, James Samuelson: Men and women road-making

1882, James Samuelson: Monk and nun

1882, James Samuelson: Peasants at a well

1882, James Samuelson: Plan of Bucarest

1882, James Samuelson: Prince Charles of Roumania before Plevna

1882, James Samuelson: Roumanian Peasants in working dress

1882, James Samuelson: Subterranian dwellings with peasants

1882, James Samuelson: Terminal pier of servian side

1882, James Samuelson: Terminal pier of Traian’s bridge on roumaniah shore

1882, James Samuelson: The HORA National dance of Roumania


Roumania / The border land of the Christian


1858, James O. Noyes: Argisch Ancient capital of Wallachia


O carte senzațională, de aproape 500 de pagini, în care istoria românilor, inclusiv cea spirituală, este tratată în contextul geo-politic mereu schimbător al răsăritului european. Nu lipsesc din cartea lui James O. Noyes, Roumania / The border land of the Christian and the Churk, New York, 1858, informațiile despre cântecele poporane, datină, tradiții sau despre „doinas” (pp. 178-181 și, respectiv, 234-236), așa cum nu lipsesc nici despre lăutari, sosirea țiganilor în Moldova fiind datată, cu probe, în 1417 (p. 135). Iar în privința desenelor vechi, unul dintre ele, cel cu imaginea hanului lui Manouk Bey este semnat, deci știm că datorăm acea secvență de memorie pictorului Lossing-Barett.




1858, James O. Noyes: Ecclesiastisal kustume

1858, James O. Noyes: Female daco romans

1858, James O. Noyes: Genoese Castle al Giurgevo

1858, James O. Noyes: Gipsy encampment

1858, James O. Noyes: High life in Roumania

1858, James O. Noyes: Hospital of Coltsa

1858, James O. Noyes: Khan of Manoul Bey, by Lossing-Barett

1858, James O. Noyes: Low life in Roumania

1858, James O. Noyes: Male daco romans

1858, James O. Noyes: Monastery of Niamzo

1858, James O. Noyes: On the steppe

1858, James O. Noyes: Posting in Wallachia

1858, James O. Noyes: Shoeing an ox

1858, James O. Noyes: Tower of Ovid

1858, James O. Noyes: Tower of Severinus

1858, James O. Noyes: Traian’s tablet

1858, James O. Noyes: Travelling by carutza in Wallachia

1858, James O. Noyes: Wallachian novice


1918: Roumania; yesterday and to-day at bay

A dear old granny spinning


Winifred Gordon, Roumania; yesterday and to-day at bay, London, New York, 1918.


A peasant’s cottage

A proud moment

A roumanian church

Army POPA or priest blessing the fallen

Bullock transport of cannon

Characteristic roumanian peasant transport

Cross on a lonely wind swept height

Curious wayside crosses of painted wood


Digging mountain trenches

Filling the water jars

Funeral of an officer in the mountains

Golden hours spent in beautiful old convent

H. M. King Ferdinand

H. M. Queen Marie in hospital dress

In the rest camp

In the trenches Winter bound

Infantery on the march in the Carpathians

King reviewing his troops

Last rites of the church to spies about to be shot

Music and rest at sundown

NOON: Beautiful draught oxen in the market place


PASTOR or shepherd boy in winter coat

Peace babies but all boys

Peaceful lives in the old monasteries

Priests outside an old monastery

Shepherd boy in the summer pastures

Soldier with violin at the head of his company

The King and Queen decorating soldiers

The King bestowing decorations on the splendid roumanian soldiers


The Queen and her little son Prince Mircea

The Queen in one of the hospitals al Jassy run by french doctors


The STINA or shepherd boy’s


Very old and magnificent carved stone cross

Wild and beautiful scenery of the Buzeu valley


O nouă colecţie: PHOTO ROMANIA


Pentru că ştiu unde pot găsi circa 10.000 de mărturii iconografice despre România şi despre istoria ei, am decis să înfiinţez, drept colecţie, o nouă categorie (rubrică), în care să adun, cinstind în felul meu Centenarul Unirii, mai tot ce există prin lume ca mărturie neştiută despre neamul şi ţara mea. Aici, doar vestesc rubrica şi, deci, colecţia, în care nu voi face comentarii, ci doar voi da reperele cărţii, ziarului sau agenţiei de presă de la care am preluat imagini, precum cea de mai sus, aflată pe frontispiciul cărţii Roumania; yesterday and to-day at bay, de Winifred Gordon, apărută la Londra şi la New York în martie 1918, deci cu vreo două luni înainte de pacea de la Bucureşti, pe când încă se mai murea, deşi nimeni nu mai putea visa o România Mare.

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