1918: Roumania; yesterday and to-day at bay | Dragusanul.ro

1918: Roumania; yesterday and to-day at bay

A dear old granny spinning


Winifred Gordon, Roumania; yesterday and to-day at bay, London, New York, 1918.


A peasant’s cottage

A proud moment

A roumanian church

Army POPA or priest blessing the fallen

Bullock transport of cannon

Characteristic roumanian peasant transport

Cross on a lonely wind swept height

Curious wayside crosses of painted wood


Digging mountain trenches

Filling the water jars

Funeral of an officer in the mountains

Golden hours spent in beautiful old convent

H. M. King Ferdinand

H. M. Queen Marie in hospital dress

In the rest camp

In the trenches Winter bound

Infantery on the march in the Carpathians

King reviewing his troops

Last rites of the church to spies about to be shot

Music and rest at sundown

NOON: Beautiful draught oxen in the market place


PASTOR or shepherd boy in winter coat

Peace babies but all boys

Peaceful lives in the old monasteries

Priests outside an old monastery

Shepherd boy in the summer pastures

Soldier with violin at the head of his company

The King and Queen decorating soldiers

The King bestowing decorations on the splendid roumanian soldiers


The Queen and her little son Prince Mircea

The Queen in one of the hospitals al Jassy run by french doctors


The STINA or shepherd boy’s


Very old and magnificent carved stone cross

Wild and beautiful scenery of the Buzeu valley
