1882: Roumania / Past and Present | Dragusanul.ro

1882: Roumania / Past and Present

1882, James Samuelson: At the cabaret on holiday


James Samuelson, Roumania / Past and Present, London, 1882.


1882, James Samuelson: Bucarest by Franz Duschek

1882, James Samuelson: Entrance to Carpatrian village

1882, James Samuelson: Fruit-seller of Bucarest

1882, James Samuelson: Gipsy flower-seller

1882, James Samuelson: Gipsy musicians

1882, James Samuelson: H. M. Pauline Elizabeth

1882, James Samuelson: Men and women road-making

1882, James Samuelson: Monk and nun

1882, James Samuelson: Peasants at a well

1882, James Samuelson: Plan of Bucarest

1882, James Samuelson: Prince Charles of Roumania before Plevna

1882, James Samuelson: Roumanian Peasants in working dress

1882, James Samuelson: Subterranian dwellings with peasants

1882, James Samuelson: Terminal pier of servian side

1882, James Samuelson: Terminal pier of Traian’s bridge on roumaniah shore

1882, James Samuelson: The HORA National dance of Roumania
